On the 27 th September Hertsmere Mencap hosted their annual golf day to raise funds for the charity locally. Conservative Councillor and Leader of Hertsmere Borough Council Morris Bright MBE was invited to host the charity auction held at the Hartsbourne Golf Country Club.
Mencap is the UKs leading learning disability charity working with people with a learning disability and their families and carers.Mencap also provides help and support through supported living, supported employment, respite services, organised activities, systemic and individual advocacy, and outreach support.
Councillor Bright said “It was a great honour to host the Hertsmere Mencap charity auction again this year.
“Thanks to the generosity of guests more than £7,000 was raised in the auction and a total of £35,000 over the whole charity golf day. This will pay for all the much-needed local services Mencap provides for the next year.”
For more information on local services please visit http://www.hertsmeremencap.org.uk/